“Mi objetivo era reducir la presencia humana en mi obra, llevándola casi al punto de aniquilarla, para tratarla con la misma importancia que cualquier otro elemento pictórico. Todo ello, marcado por un vigoroso ritmo lineal.
La figura humana debía estar presente únicamente para captar la luz, definir el espacio y operar con total neutralidad. Lo primordial era que no generara ninguna vibración emocional con la que pudiéramos identificarnos. En este contexto, lo que debía vibrar era el color, no la figura.
Lo que debía producir música no era el instrumento, sino el color.
“My goal was to reduce the human presence in my work, taking it almost to the point of annihilating it, to treat it with the same importance as any other pictorial element. All this, marked by a vigorous linear rhythm.
The human figure had to be present only to capture the light, define the space and operate with total neutrality. The main thing was that it did not generate any emotional vibration with which we could identify. In this context, what should vibrate was the color, not the figure.
What had to produce music in the work was not the instrument, but the color.”
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